Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kiddie Quotes

My daughter, Madeline, sits next to the sister of a boy in her class on the bus. They got into an argument (gee, a child of mine with a strong, stubborn personality) and now this girl doesn't want to see next to Maddie anymore. So I suggested she sit next to the brother:"Mo-om, I can't sit next to HIM. It would DESTROY my WHOLE LIFE!!"I guess we can't have that now, can we?


I've explained echolalia on my blog, but I will do it again to set up Andrew's quote. Andrew engages in lots of echolalia, which is basically when children with speech/language issues randomly repeat words or phrases they have heard over and over with no relation to the situation they are in at the time. It's always fun when Andrew goes to school and repeats adult conversations Josh and I may have had in front of him when we weren't paying attention. (yes, that was Sarcastic Wendy speaking) Anyhoo, Andrew's current favorite echolalic phrase is something he got off a Nancy Drew PC game we played with him and his sister:" Emergency Room!" He says this at least 20 times a day at home and I know he is saying it at school. I keep waiting for a call from the school social worker to check up on what is happening in our home.

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