Saturday, January 30, 2010

Just because...

I haven't posted on the kids for a while. They're both as fun as ever.

We joined our local children's museum. They have a prehistoric exhibit there, including bones. I pointed it out to Maddie-"Look, dinosaur bones!" After doing her own research on the exhibit, she was quick to point out to me, "Mom, those aren't dinosaur bones. It's Manny from the Ice Age movies!" (in other words, a wooly mammoth-well, excuuuse me!)

My favorite thing they have at that museum is a pile driver drill demo. Am I saying that right? It's the drill where you slowly crank it up, then it releases very quickly and pounds into the ground? It's like a really scary Jack-in-the-box and although a lot of the boys in the 10+ range seem to find it cool, all the other kids were terrified.

Andrew has taken to saying, "Dear Heavenly Father, Don't come in!!" for his prayers. I have no idea where this came from and frankly, I don't want to know! He also likes to practice spitting out water when his mouth is full thanks to a scene from "Chicken Run" that he likes. Josh handled it much better than I did, teaching him to spit in the tub rather than on the floor. Or maybe Andrew made the change himself. He may be an imp, but he's a clever imp.

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