Friday, August 29, 2008

What is the Opposite of Taco Bell? or The Opposites Conversation with Andrew

Andrew is very proud of the fact that he has been learning his opposites in school. He starts conversations with us, like this: "What is the opposite of sad?"

Soooooooooooo, Josh and I decided to keep it going:

Us: Andrew, what is the opposite of black?
A: uh....WHITE!

Us: Left?

Us: Up?

After a number of them, Josh and I are impressed, but being the terrible parents we are, not overly impressed. After all, these are preschool opposites we have been throwing at him. So, we decide to challenge him to see if he really understands the concept or if he has just memorized a bunch of simple ones they taught him in school.

Us: Andrew, what is the opposite of girl?

Us: Mommy?
A: Daddy!

Josh: Hey, What's the opposite of the Red Sox?
A (without hesitation): YANKEES!

Our hearts overfloweth with joy at Andrew's grasp of opposites and baseball. So proud are we, we continued these little conversations for the next few days. Andrew finally had enough this morning and turned the tables on us.

Us: Andrew, what's the opposite of awake?
A: Asleeping. (direct quote)

Us: Yankees?
A: Red Sox

Then, the unthinkable. Our son proved, once and for all, he is smarter than his parents-

Andrew to us: What's the opposite of Taco Bells? (Taco Bell, Andrew's new favorite restaurant, which he refers to as Taco Bells.)
Us: complete silence since we are flummoxed (and how often do you get to use that word in everyday conversation)

After a lengthy pause, Wendy says: McDonald's?
Andrew smiles and repeats: McDonald's.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Love it! Kind of like opposite of BYU----UTAH, and I'm talking opposite of BLUE----RED, and on and on. Kevin will get a kick out of that one!