Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Oh, those Politicians and ....... Principals?

Maddie starts her first day of school today at Kent Elementary, "A Peacable School," that's right--a peacable school. I'm sorry, what was that? You don't know they mean by peacable? Well, you're in luck, because neither do I, so feel free to abstain from thinking you are dumber than me. I will research and get to the bottom of this vocabulary mystery unless some other smarty pants knows and feel free to post in the comments section and save me the trouble-OK?

Anyway, Maddie is very nervous about her first day at public school. She went to private kindergarten at the same school she attended for preschool-so this is her first big school transition. Josh had already taken her to wander around the school and find her classroom, but she was still nervous yesterday, so I took her again. The principal happened to be there and I brought Maddie up to him and explained that she was nervous for her first day.

He was very kind and reassuring with phrases like, "You'll do great. Everybody is nice here."

As we are leaving, Maddie had the following conversation with me--

Mad: Did he really mean that? EVERYBODY will be nice?
Me: Yes, Maddie.
Mad: I don't trust him.

That's right folks, at 6 years old, she recognizes politic rhetoric when she hears it. I'm so proud and dumbfounded at the same time.

I reassured Maddie that although she was right, it is impossible that EVERYONE at that school is always nice (because let's face it-she's right), I said what the principal meant to say was everyone should be nice and he wants to know if they are not nice. He's going to love my corrections when Maddie starts a little tattle tale list on who's breaking the nice rule. But, seriously, don't you think he started it?

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Good one! Go Maddie! She'll show him. Maybe peaceable just means they have a "no tolerance" stance on bullying,etc.