Saturday, June 27, 2009

More pics from the NYC trip


Katrina said...

Fun times. Ya makin' me want to go back. I went to NYC twice last year for my first times ever and LOVE it there! Sigh.
Kevin says NYC is somewhere he'd never bring the kids (he has a hard time handling that whole kind of situation.) Props to you and April!

misswendy said...

You have four kids, so you could handle it with the two of you. I always do fine with the two because it's one for each hand. Just April and I with six kids between the two of us was a little shaky but we did it. I do remember shouting at April's 5 yo at one point to back off from the road. Like I said, when you have one for each hand, it's fine. My kids LOVE NYC and I bet yours would, too. It's easier to get around with them than you think.