Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Overheard at Our House

Maddie to me: How do they make yarn?
Me: I think they put a bunch of thread together.
Maddie: Actually, yarn comes from Alpacas.

Which begs the question, if she knew, why did she ask me?

Then, when she asked where cotton came from and I told her plants, she didn't want to believe me. I think she was looking for another animal answer.


News from Maddie's camp--the great escaping tortoise, Cherry, was found under the bridge going into the girls' bathroom, after going missing for 7 days (according to Maddie.) Poor Cherry-maybe if the tortoise was as fast as the hare she would have been able to make her way beyond the camp borders. As it is, the girls bathroom she is talking about is about 50 feet from the nature shed.


Madeline constructed a toy zip line for her smaller stuffed animals using plastic forks and plastic thread (the kind used to make lanyards.) It was actually quite impressive, but I don't think it held up for more than a day.


Andrew has already figured out how to kill Nancy Drew 3 different ways in the new game. That's his favorite part-killing her off. It doesn't help that Maddie gives him a brilliant reaction every time by completely freaking out. I always tell her we save the game often enough that it doesn't matter, but it just isn't good enough-she wants that "perfect" game.


Maddie shared with me that she had an argument with her camp counselor today, because her counselor didn't think she should apply sunscreen for the FOURTH time. Too funny. We've obviously emphasized the importance of sunscreen TOO WELL. Maddie did have a valid point, though. She had a third swim session in the pool and she always reapplies the sunscreen after swimming due to the water washing off the previous application.


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